Welcome to the STEI Journal Portal
This website is managed by the Publication and Publishing Section of the Indonesian College of Economics Jakarta. It serves as the new journal portal, replacing the previous website at https://www.ejournal.stei.ac.id.

Office Address:
Bagian Publikasi dan Penerbitan, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta 
Gedung A, Lantai 4 STIE Indonesia Jakarta
Jl. Kayu Jati Raya No.11A, RW.3, Rawamangun, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia 13220

Phone: (021) 4750321; 475 8702 | Fax. (021) 472 2371
Contact Person: +62 812-1345-9893 (Hendryadi)
Email: bppstei@gmail.com



  • Indonesian Journal of Business, Accounting and Management

    p-ISSN : 2442-4099 |e-ISSN : 2549-8711
    The Indonesian Journal of Business, Accounting and Management (IJBAM) serves as a vital platform for interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to share insights and findings related to contemporary changes in business and organizational practices. The journal focuses on a wide range of topics, including accounting practices across various sectors such as industry, public and nonprofit organizations, and the private sector.
    Indexed: BASECrossref, Dimensions, Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), EBSCHO, Garuda, Google Scholar, ICI Master List (Index Copernicus)

  • Jurnal STEI Ekonomi

    p-ISSN : 0854-0985 | e-ISSN : 2527-4783

    Jurnal STEI Ekonomi (JEMI) has been published by the Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta. JEMI published two times a year in June and December. JEMI focuses on issues pertaining empirical investigation on Indonesian economics, accounting and management. JEMI aimed to tie researchers to share high quality publication at national level through blind review process. The article published in JEMI are expected to cover wide range topics in economics, accounting and management and employs standard economics, accounting and management analysis tools focusing on Indonesian economy.

    Accreditation: SINTA 4 (Valid until 2027)
    Indexed by: BASE , Crossref, Google ScholarICI Master Listl (Index Copernicus)DimensionsGarudaSINTA

  • Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen

    p-ISSN: 1693-8364 | eISSN: 2527-8320
    Jurnal Akuntansi dan Manajemen (JAM) is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakartas, Indonesia. The journal is designed to provide a platform for researchers, academicians and practitioners who are interested in new knowledge and discussing ideas, issues and challenges in the field of Accounting and Management.

    Accreditation: SINTA 4. Akreditasi Periode II 2024
    JAM Indexed by: BASE,Crossref, Google Scholar ICI Master List (Index Copernicus)DimensionsGarudaPKP IndexSINTA

  • PROGRESIF: Jurnal Pengabdian Komunitas Pendidikan

    PROGRESIF: Jurnal Pengabdian Komunitas Pendidikan, with ISSN 2798-9240 (Online) published by Bagian Pengelolaan Jurnal dan Penerbitan - Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Jakarta (BPJP - STEI) . It's a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners, and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of engaging activities. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on research, implementation.
    Accreditation: SINTA 5. Akreditasi Periode II 2024

  • Jurnal Manajemen STEI

    ISSN : 2442-4080 (Print)
    The Journal of Management STEI aims to publish scholarly research that evaluates, expands, or advances management theory, thereby improving management development, practice, and research.


  • Jurnal Akuntansi STEI

    Jurnal Akuntansi STEI serves as a platform for the exchange of significant research findings between professionals and academics, focusing on innovative topics in modern accounting research and practice. The journal aims to bridge the gap between theoretical insights and practical applications, encouraging discussions that can lead to advancements in the field of accounting

  • Asian Journal of Corporate Governance and Financial Performance

    Asian Journal of Accounting and Corporate Governance (ACGFP) is a peer reviewed international journal publishing high quality, original manuscripts that analyse issues related to corporate governance. Contributions can be of a theoretical or empirical nature. ACGFP targets scholars from both academia and the business community. Papers examine emerging trends in corporate governance and fast-changing concerns faced by companies from a comprehensive range of areas. Papers that apply financial regulations and organisational behaviour to corporate governance issues are also welcome

  • Internet and Digital Marketing Research

    The Internet and Digital Marketing Research encompasses a broad interdisciplinary scope, examining the social, ethical, economic, managerial, and political impacts of the internet and digital marketing. Recent editions have highlighted topics such as the metaverse, interpretable AI, digital health, online and mobile gaming, the sharing economy, and the negative aspects of social media.

  • Asian Journal of Organizational Behavior

    The Asian Journal of Organizational Behavior emphasizes the presentation, development, discussion, and analysis of theories and behaviors within organizations across various industries and sectors globally.

  • Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality

    The Asian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality is the sole academic journal dedicated specifically to research in tourism and hospitality. As a peer-reviewed publication, AJTH offers an international platform for exploring urban tourism and hospitality within the Asian region.